By visiting our website or contacting us through our contact forms, you agree to be bound by this privacy policy. You have the right to revoke this consent at any time. If you want to do so, email us at


Our website uses Google Analytics cookies, which are used to analyze and understand the behavior of visitors to our website. This information helps us in marketing our services. This is a legitimate interest so that our services can continue to exist and develop.

Personal data of clients

The personal data that you directly and voluntarily provide to us via contact forms, e-mail or telephone are used exclusively for the purposes of communication and the fulfillment of contractual obligations, i.e. are necessary to provide our services.

Google LLC – visitor analysis, data back-ups, and e-mail communication; WEDOS - administrator and web hosting of the website FakturaOnline s.r.o. – management of issued invoices

YORGE stores your personal data in the territory of the EU (EEA) and backs it up for a maximum of five years after the completion of the order. If you wish to delete your personal data before the five-year period expires, you will need to ask us to do so.

Wedding clients and guests

Under GDPR legislation, a photograph may in some cases constitute a form of personal data. YORGE will never take pictures or footage of an individual or group as a means of unique identification or authentication (as further specified by the GDPR).

In terms of explicit GDPR compliance, wedding clients and guests are documented as part of a "legitimate interest". From the point of view of personal data processing, photographing and filming wedding guests is necessary for the legitimate interest of YORGE, when photographing and filming individuals or groups is the purpose of our business.

Provided that there is a good and clear reason to protect an individual's personal data, this interest of the individual exceeds the legitimate interests of YORGE as described above.

Operating within the parameters of legitimate interest in the case of mass social or wedding events causes a disproportionate effort associated with the provision of information about privacy protection, and the extent to which the provision of this information would distract us from the performance of our work makes compliance with the parameters of the GDPR legal regulation completely impossible.

Our clients are therefore requested, for the above reasons, to inform their guests to read this privacy policy before the start of the event and to contact us if they have any concerns regarding the processing of their personal data.

wedding in Moravia