Kocanda Kravsko wedding

Peter & Stepanka (20.05.2023)

Our first big wedding this year will take us to the western tip of the South Moravian region, to Kocandy Kravsko, where we were lucky enough to witness the confirmation of love between the ever-smiling Štěpánka and the sympathetic Peter. The wine region near Znojmo may still seem imperfect to some in mid-May, but as you can see in the pictures, the opposite is true.

wedding kocanda kravsko PS
wedding kocanda kravsko PS

Being able to take wedding photos at such a wedding is truly a privilege. The beautiful natural scenery accompanying their marriage only enhanced their big day in the colors of the slowly arriving late spring. There was a pleasant smell in the air, and love flowed through the air to the point that it took your breath away.

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